
Monday 23 June 2014

FreeCAD: Pseudo-mill simulator

Before starting, I must warn that this is not intended to produce any realistic simulation.
I created it as a proof of concept and for fun.

How it works:

The milling script removes material by cutting the workpiece with the tool object (a rectangular box) in a simple Part.cut(tool) operation.
The tool object position is determined by taking the last point and the next point from the path points list. Then, the script creates vector and walks through it by steps. At every step, the tool cuts the workpiece, and every 4 steps, the document is refreshed. Refreshed means the command Part.show(workpiece). Because this command creates a shape every time is called, before Part.show(workpiece), the previous shape is removed.
Wild and dirty.

Below I try to explain how to use this script. You can get the full code here

Creating toolpath:

The first thing we need is the list of points that the "tool" will follow.
This list has the form:

points = ( ( x,y,z ), ( x1,y1,z1 ), ... , ( xn, yn, zn), ( x,y,z ))

But manually creating the points is not the most adequate way, at least for more-less complex or large toolpaths.

If we want to do something like this...

...it could take forever manually, so I wrote a pocket function instead:
from FreeCAD import Gui
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from FreeCAD import Base, Draft, Part
import math as mt

# Basical definitions

Tool_radius = 0.5 
Tool_heigh = 8.0 
feed_rate = 10.0 

# Path Generator

Program=[(-5,0,30)] # Start position

def pocket(V0,L,H):
  global Program, Tool_radius
  YCycles = int(mt.floor((L / (2*Tool_radius))/2)) 
  V0 = (V0[0] + Tool_radius, V0[1] + Tool_radius, Program[0][2])
  V0 = (V0[0], V0[1], H)
  for i in range(YCycles):
    V0 = (V0[0]+(L-2*Tool_radius), V0[1], H)
    V0 = (V0[0],(2*Tool_radius)+V0[1], H)
    V0 = (V0[0]-(L-2*Tool_radius),V0[1], H)
    V0 = (V0[0],2*Tool_radius+V0[1], H)
  V0 = (V0[0]+(L-2*Tool_radius), V0[1], H)
  V0 = (V0[0], V0[1], Program[0][2])

It generates a pocket with initial position (lower-right corner) V0(x,y,z), side length L and absolute deepness H.

An screenshot of pocket((2,2,15),25,8)

Imagine to create that zigzag pattern by hand. 

The function pocket itself does not represent the points, just creates the list. To create the wire that represents the toolpath, I have coded this:

Wire_done = False  # wire end condition
while Wire_done == False:
  if i == len(Program):
    Wire_done = True
  if i == 1: # Starts the wire by creating the first line
    Line0 = Part.makeLine(Program[i-1], Program[i])
    Wire0 = Part.Wire([Line0])
  else: #Creates the rest of the wire
    Line1 = Part.makeLine(Program[i-1],Program[i])
    Trajectory_Wire = Part.Wire([Wire0,Line1])
    Wire0 = Trajectory_Wire

TjWire = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature", "Trajectory") 
TjWire.Shape = Trajectory_Wire  #
TjWire_UserName = TjWire.Label
FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(TjWire_UserName).LineColor = (1.00,0.67,0.00)

It iterates over the points list (named Program) and generates the tool trajectory wire.

You can generate multiple pockets, this is the result of...


Create workpiece:

Raw = Part.makeBox(raw_size[0],raw_size[1],raw_size[2])
Raw_shape = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature", "Workpiece")
Raw_shape.Shape = Raw

Create tool (the one that performs the cut):

Tool = Part.makeBox(Tool_radius*2, Tool_radius*2, Tool_heigh)
Tool_shape = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature", "Tool")
Tool_shape.Shape = Tool
Tool_shape_gui = Tool_shape.Label
FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(Tool_shape_gui).ShapeColor = (0.33,0.33,1.00)
Tool_shape.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(Program[0]),ToolR )

Create the animated tool:

AnimatedTool_shape= Part.makeCylinder(Tool_radius,Tool_heigh)
RTTH = Part.makeBox(Tool_radius/3.0, Tool_radius*2, Tool_heigh*1.1)

for i in range(5):
  alpha = i*360/5
  RTTH = Part.makeBox(Tool_radius/3.0, Tool_radius*2, Tool_heigh*1.1)
  RTTH.rotate(Base.Vector(0,0,0),Base.Vector(0,0,1), 15 + alpha)
  AnimatedTool_shape = AnimatedTool_shape.cut(RTTH)

AnimatedTool= App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","AnimatedTool")
AnimatedTool.Shape = AnimatedTool_shape
AnimatedTool_gui = AnimatedTool.Label
FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(AnimatedTool_gui).ShapeColor = (0.33,0.33,1.00)
AnimatedTool.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(Program[0]), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),0))

Pseudo-Mill core:

This is the function that performs the milling-like action:

L1 = Raw.cut(Tool_shape.Shape)

swd = 3 # cut refreshing interval

def Machining():
  global n, i,feed_rate, L1, Tool_radius, swd, s
  if i <= len(Program):
    Current_position = Tool_shape.Placement.Base
    Vector_trajectory = App.Vector(Program[i+1])-App.Vector(Program[i])
    Vector_direction = (App.Vector(Program[i+1])-App.Vector(Program[i])).normalize()
    VT_modulus = Vector_trajectory.Length
    VD_modulus = 1.0
    if VT_modulus > VD_modulus*n*feed_rate:
      Next_position = App.Vector(Program[i])+Vector_direction.multiply(n*feed_rate)+App.Vector(-Tool_radius, -Tool_radius)
      Next_Position = App.Vector(Program[i+1])
    s += 1
    if s > swd:
      L1 = L1.removeSplitter()
      s = 0
    Tool_shape.Placement = App.Placement(Next_position, ToolR)
    AnimatedTool.Placement = App.Placement(Next_position+App.Vector(Tool_radius,Tool_radius,0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),n*43))
    L1 = L1.cut(Tool_shape.Shape)
Then, by calling repeatedly Machining() with a timer starts the animation:

With the tool-path created above this is the result:

What's next?

Well, I've been playing with creating the points list using a script that follows the contour of a FreeCAD part. That way you will only need to execute that script and then run the simulation.

The green line is the output of the script.


Saturday 21 June 2014

PyQtGraph: Box scenery

This post is about creating something like...

...using pyqtgraph.


Because of a project involving solar-thermal panels, at the beginning of this year, I realized that the way of obtaining how much shadow-per-year-percentage an object projects over another object was very inaccurate. So I attempted  to create a sun-simulator, where you place the objects that are near to the place you want to study and then, run a script that draws shadows (with their grey color as a function of the % of shadow) over the place. That way, you can smartly place your solar collector.

I've not gone that further, I left the (short) development once I knew that something ~ similar existed for free. Don't reinvent the wheel.

But I want to show this, because maybe it helps you to go a step forward with your own project.

The code is posted here (there are comments explaining how to create "buildings" and "panels")

If you have pyqtgraph in your system, copy and paste the code in a python terminal and you should see something.

I've been playing today with the camera positions, with the remote idea of a video-game in mind.

Camera command (I haven't found this at pyqtgraph docs, but here) example:


Greetings, Javier

Friday 13 June 2014

FreeCAD: Inline-Four engine animation

Another more-less simple engine animation:

Find the errors, there are a lot of them!

Sorry, no files or code this time, but keep in mind this is as difficult as this one


Thursday 12 June 2014

Bash: Execute script in a terminal at startup

Today I was wondering how could I monitor the temperatures of my computer automatically, using something that runs at startup without doing anything manually.

This is the result:

A terminal with transparent background that shows the temps.


The code to display sensor values and update them two times per second is:

while [ 1 ]; do 
sensors;                                  # Outputs cpu and motherboard temps
aticonfig --odgt;                     # Outputs my AMD GPU temps.
sleep 0.5;                               # Delay for 0.5 seconds

Save it somewhere as .sh and give execution permissions.

To run the code above (or any other you want) in a terminal:

gnome-terminal --profile=cristal --zoom=0.85 --geometry=60x16+1920+0 -x PATH

I've set previously a new profile of gnome-terminal (called "cristal") that has transparent background and "Temperaturas" as window label.
Then, using the --profile option I set that profile for the new terminal.

The option --zoom=0.85 reduces the terminal size at 85%  (genius)

The parameter --geometry is more interesting:

Columns x Lines + Xposition + Yposition

The position is given by your screen resolution. On my screen, the window is in the upper right corner when X = 1920 and Y=0

And finally, PATH is the absolute path to the code you want to execute.

To execute at startup, go to "startup applications", add a new application and where it says "command", paste the line that starts "gnome-terminal --profile......" customized to suit your particulad needs.
Save it and you are done.
