
Thursday 10 September 2015

FreeCAD: Intersection Between Shapes


This is a small script that will find intersection volumes between the selected shapes, for example, given two cubes and a sphere, this is the result:

It gives some transparency to the original shapes and also displays intersection volume at the report view.

The code is:

# JMG 2015
object_list = []
for obj in FreeCAD.Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx():
  obj = obj.Object
  object_list.append( obj )

for n in range( len(object_list) ):
  object_A = object_list[n]
  for i in range( len(object_list) ):
    if i <= n:
      object_B = object_list[i]
      common = object_A.Shape.common( object_B.Shape )
      if common.Volume > 0.0:
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( '-Intersection- ' + object_A.Name + ' with ' + object_B.Name + '\n')
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Common volume: ' + str( common.Volume ) + '\n' + '\n' )
        intersection_object = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject( 'Part::Feature', 'Intersection_Volume' )
        intersection_object.Shape = common
        intersection_object.ViewObject.ShapeColor = ( 1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 )
        object_A.ViewObject.Transparency = 80
        object_B.ViewObject.Transparency = 80